Biblical Feminist icons, Vashti and Yael.
Biblical Feminist icons, Vashti and Yael.
Concept and illustration and design for “Melbourne Festival Of Art and Music” Vashti and Yael from Jewish mythology .
Melbourne, Australia
Had Gadya, FOJAM (Festival Of Jewish Art and Music), 2019
Had Gadya
Chad Gadya or Had Gadya is a playful cumulative song in Aramaic and Hebrew. It is sung at the end of the Passover Seder, the Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The melody may have its roots in Medieval German folk music. It first appeared in a Haggadah printed in Prague in 1590, which makes it the most recent inclusion in the traditional Passover seder liturgy.
Concept and illustration and design for “Melbourne Festival Of Art and Music”
Melbourne, Australia
Song Of Songs, FOJAM (Festival Of Jewish Art and Music) 2019
Song of Songs
In Judaism The Song of Songs (also called the Song of Solomon) is love poetry. Yet it is also a profound depiction of the meaning, value and beauty of work. The Song sings of lovers who court, then marry, and then work together in an ideal picture of life
Concept, illustration and design for “Melbourne Festival Of Art and Music”
Melbourne, Australia
MOON 5th Birthday Event
Poster for MOON bar 5th anniversary
Wellington, NZ
Sofar Melbourne
Sofar Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
Piece for "Orchestra of Spheres"
Poster design for the band “Orchestra of Spheres”
The poster was made into an A1 and featured in “Phantom Billsticker” online magazine.
Wellington, New Zealand
“Neptune Records” Launch party
“Neptune Records” Launch party
Moon Bar, Wellington, New Zealand
Moon Sessions
Poster for weekly Jam night event
MOON bar
Wellington, NZ